Saturday, October 17, 2009


In this entry, I'm only showing one photo.

I know this isn't very impressive, but wait. If you follow the instructions below, you're in for a treat.

Click on it so it appears
in a new window.
Click your plus button
till it's displayed full size.
Now scroll from side to side.

Be aware, this is a pretty large image and may take a while to load, but I think it's worth it.

What you're seeing is a view of the mountains at the back of the dining hall at Ghost Ranch.

This landscape is made up of seven images, pieced together to make one long panorama.

And when I say long, I mean truly lengthy. The original stitched image comes in at a whopping 28 inches high and 265 inches long!

Now where would I find paper to print this out?

Still, pretty cool, huh?

As a side note (and on to a completely different subject), when was the last time you listened to Dinah Washington? My God, what a voice! And her phrasing is so perfect. She is incomparable.

And now I'm off to take more pictures!


photowannabe said...

That's some view from the diningroom. The panorama is fantastic. Your work just gets better and better...if that's possible.

Anonymous said...

I see that you only got one comment on that utterly fantastic "one photo" so I will have to jump in here. I don't know how you did it but "Ya dun good"!! Thank you.

Judy Wms.