Well, gosh, doesn't the time just get away from me?
I really do mean to post more often, but stuff comes up. What kind of stuff? I can hardly remember.
But this morning I made a vow to spend the afternoon manipulating a bunch of pictures and working on my next blog, which I'd decided to call
"Introducing Wrangler Terry (and Ted)"

Just as I sat down to start my blog post, the campground phone rang. It seems that a group had gone out for an overnight camp out and one of the horses had cut his foot and was bleeding badly (actually squirting blood when he put any weight on it). Since Terry and our neighbor volunteer Ted have been being the horse guys, could they hook up a trailer and come and get it?
Well, geez, Terry has never driven a horse trailer before, much less one with a wounded horse in it, so I said I wasn't sure but I'd ask. I called around the ranch and it seemed that due to unforeseen circumstances, there was no one to help. He thought about it a bit and went to discuss it with Ted (who was born and raised on a farm). Together they decided that they would go and try to help this poor horse.
Did I mention that the camp out was at Blackie's Cabin? Blackie's Cabin is an old homestead on the ranch (circa 1910) and a couple of miles of VERY rough trail off the highway. This is literally a dirt trail, and with the recent rains, it was a stretch to call it a trail. Lots of holes, gullies, etc.
You get the idea.
The skies were darkening and I was kind of worried, but what can you do?
Guys will be guys. They step up and do what needs to be done and off they went.
Several hours went by, the skies got darker and the winds came up. Now it's time for dinner, so I decided to go to the dining hall and help in the kitchen. We love all the folks who work in the kitchen and we've both been helping clean up when they're short of help. I figured this would help keep my spinning mind occupied.
Now dinner was over and we had almost finished cleaning up. The people in the kitchen had made up plates for me and Nancy to take home for Ted and Terry when they returned.
I was beginning to really worry, as it was getting really late. Then I looked around and there they were!
They had gone out and brought the horse back! They got the bleeding stopped, stabled the horse and plans were been made for the vet to come tomorrow morning (after talking with the vet, he assured us it would be fine).
Are these guys just the best or what?
how proud I am of both of them.
Especially the really cute one on the left.
Especially the really cute one on the left.