Saturday, January 5, 2008

Ramblings (again) . . .

Well, we're STILL sick, although well on the road to recovery. We're still staying in, but feeling a bit better.

I've been meaning to post but our life is so restricted right now that there really isn't much to report. We stay in, cook, eat, nap and watch movies and TV series on DVD.

Ah, such an exciting life we lead!

For lack of anything else to write about, I thought I'd mention one of the movies we've seen that I really love.

Just this morning, the Station Agent was on the Independent Film Channel, one of my favorites. I had seen this small film when it was first released and was charmed by it, but truthfully had completely forgotten about it.

After a second viewing, I have to say I liked it even better than the first time. A charming character study coupled with perfect casting and fine acting makes for a lovely, intimate meditation on loneliness and the value of friendship. I recommend it highly.

Lately I've found that whether in a movie or a book, I value character over most everything. Action movies are fun and mystery novels are involving, but what stays with me are the characters.

This has changed my reading habits of late to include a more commentaries, travelogues, history and biographies.

As regular readers know, I am enthralled with New Mexico and just finished a book that encapsulated just about everything I love about this awesome state.

Titled the Lightning Field, it's a series of essays written by Robert Eaton, who has lived and worked in and around New Mexico for years. His writing is what I aspire to, his descriptions perfect. If you'd like a true feel for this state, this book will do it.

I also find myself intrigued with Teddy Roosevelt, so my next reading will be something about him.

And that's it for today! At least I'm still posting . . .

Life is good (and getting better the better we feel)


Jonna said...

Yes! to Teddy Roosevelt. He's fascinating and I think one of the best presidents the US has had.

We went up to the NP named after him in North Dakota after we left you guys in Wyoming. It was a fantastic place, really worth visiting.

Anyway, just saying that I too find TR interesting. If you find some good books about him, post the titles... and a review :)

ps. he hated being called Teddy.

Kate said...


I just picked up "River of Doubt, Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey". It follows his trip up uncharted tributaries of the Amazon, taken after his defeat in 1912. Great reviews, and as soon as I finish it, I'll let you know what I thought.
