Friday, August 24, 2012

Mexican Salad, YUM!

This is one of our favorite meals, it's hearty, good for you and tastes divine.

First you cube up one or two chicken breasts (one per person).  Also chop up some white onion, some garlic and some red peppers.  Spray a bit of Pam in a frying pan and throw the chicken in.  Add a bit of salt and pepper and cook over medium heat just until the cubed chicken is white, do not overcook!

Now pull the chicken out and place it in a bowl and put something over the top so it will continue to steam.  I usually use a paper plate.

Now a bit more Pam, then throw in the onions, garlic and peppers, and cook them just till their done.  At this point, the chicken should have steamed done and released a lot of liquid.  I don't like the juice but Terry does, so decide what to do with it, but don't put it back in the pan with the veggies, just the chicken.  At this point I add a very generous hit of cumin, a bit of chile powder and Cholula hot sauce to your taste (naturally we use Cholula!).  Add a couple of tablespoons of water to coat the mixture with the spices, then turn the heat off and let it sit.

Note: by cooking the chicken this way, it stays incredibly tender and never overcooks.  If you keep it in the pan when you add the veggies, the mixture gets too watery and the chicken overcooks and gets tough.

Now make your salad.  I like lettuce, some tomato, some more chopped red pepper and a bit of avocado.

When your salad is ready, put the warm chicken veggie mixture in the salad along with a couple of tablespoons of reduced sugar ketchup (tastes just the same as regular, a lot less sugar, i.e. carbs) and a couple of tablespoons of plain unflavored yogurt.

Now mix the whole thing thoroughly, till it looks kind of like yuck, but everything is well coated, and eat.

Sorry, there aren't any pictures, we just ate it all!

This is the best salad, very filling, full of flavor, quite low carb and right around 330 calories for a full meal.

Try it, I think you'll like it.


Gaelyn said...

Sounds good.

Carol K said...

I will definitely have to try your Mexican Salad recipe. It sounds yummy. Thanks for sharing!

Jerry and Suzy said...

Hey, that salad sounds good! We'll give it a try. Incidentally, we made that peanut butter bread. Suzy loved it and will make it a staple in her program, but I'll stick with regular bread for my peanut butter and onion sandwiches!

judilyn said...

Hi Kate and Terry - That chicken dish sounds really good. I cook chicken that way, too. Makes a big difference. If there is any leftover for another time, it can be incorporated into a dish with just a quick reheat and still be like it was freshly cooked.

Virtual hugs,


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