As often happens on the internet, I clicked the link and was absorbed for way too long reading about their adventures. I like the writing so much I've bookmarked it and will be following it regularly. If you'd like to take a look at it, you can find it here.
Spend a bit of time there, it's a great read.
One thing that caught me eye was the mention of a new widget they had installed on their blog. It's called Link Within and it searches your past blog posts for content that may refer to your current post. Or not (after all it is a computer generated search, so we'll see . . .)
You'll find it at the bottom of the blog under the heading "You may also like these stories"
As a test, I'm including the word hummingbird here, and maybe, if the search engine is written correctly, we'll see a link to one of my old posts from Manzano during the summer of a million hummingbirds.
If not, it will still point to an old post that newer readers might enjoy.
Okay, enough blog talk.
Today we went yard saling. I love doing this in the various towns where we travel. We get the chance to talk with locals and find it's a great way to learn about the area you're visiting. The pickings were kind of slim today, but I did pick up a great pair of earrings. Here's a picture of my new earrings, they're based on the famous sculpture "the End of the Trail"

We've also been busy cooking so expect more food and solar cooking blogs in the near future.
Just as I was finishing this entry, Terry called me outside. He said "I think there's a helicopter down at the lake getting water". OOOH, an adventure, so off we went.
Sure enough, there was this
most interesting helicopter
flying right above the lake.
most interesting helicopter
flying right above the lake.
like it was going to land, or maybe fill up with water.
The mist you see is all created from the rotors.
The mist you see is all created from the rotors.

about fifteen feet above the water.
Maybe the copter needed a bath?
Finally, it rose up in the air and flew away

(a bit more than one third over from the left)
you'll see it leaving the lake.
You may have to click to enlarge to see the copter.

here's a shot of the other end of the lake.
The tall pole on the left is the wind alarm.

As we headed back to home, we turned
and waved goodbye to the day.

of the teensy little flowers
that grow all over the campground.

another New Mexico sunset