Monday, April 27, 2009


Regular readers are most likely aware that I rarely do pictures of people. It just hasn't occured to me, I get so caught up with the vistas I see around me.

Lately, though, I've become sort of interested in portraits. Since I couldn't find anyone who was willing to be my guinea pigs in this new endeavor, once again, the wonderful man in my life has stepped up to the plate.

So, mostly just as a record for me, below are my first attempts.

I like the black and white (well, sort of sepia)

I like his eyes.

I like catching him when he isn't posing

That's all folks!

1 comment:

Sistertex said...

I love portraits done in Black and White. I think they portray more about a person than color. They (to me) seem to reach deeper and capture more depth about a person. Nice, Kate.