Saturday, December 4, 2010

And Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

I know, lately I've been in Kindle-land.

No RV talk, no computers, no cooking, no photography, what can I say?

The truth is if all we're doing is working in the house trying to sort, there isn't much to write about. The Kindle was a nice diversion, so that's why it got all the attention. A quick note, I really do love reading on it, especially now that I have the Kandle light.

Let's see, RV talk. Some time back, we got a connector so that we could hook up an external propane tank to the motorhome. That way, when we're parked for a while (like now) we don't have to move the rig.

We got it installed about a year ago, but we've never used it.

So of course, when we tried to hook up the tank, we had forgotten everything they had told us. Now this is propane, so we want to be careful here.

We called our friend Michael who had done a similar install on his rig some time ago, to come and have a look see. He came over, and they (Michael and Terry) came to the conclusion that we had the wrong connector on the hose.

So off to the local RV shop they went. But they didn't carry what we need.

Now, its off to the other RV place, which is a bit farther away. There, it's decided that what we really need is to retrofit (read that as change the angle of the connector), then get the proper hose (which, it seems no one local carries, but Michael loaned us his).

After hours of dealing with this, we are now running off an external propane tank instead of the fixed one on the rig.

Why, oh why, is everything always so complicated??

Well, at least we have our health (I say, looking to the bright side).

Gosh, this is pretty boring, maybe I should just keep writing about the Kindle?


Sue Malone said...

Well, I think Kindle talk is kinda good right now, as I am looking too. Reading you and Donna and others trying to decide, so going back to search (thank you for the search box) and read again what you are saying about your Kindle! Have a great sunday, Kate

Big Matt said...

Taking a wild guess here, but it sounds like situation involved your connector was the big ACME hand nut that most of us are familiar with for BBQ tanks and what not, and your extended stay tank was 100lbs or greater and didn't have said connector, rather it had the smaller internally threaded connection or POL connector in propane terminology.

Kathy said...

Hi Kate,
Your post about installing the connector for an external propane tank is timely. We are wintering in southwest Colorado in our Lazy Daze MidBath and want to attach an external propane tank as well. Assuming your on board tank arrangement is similar to ours, there is not much room for adding the "T" connectors that we think we need. Could you post a photo of how your connections were made?
By the way, we moved from Southern California to Colorado just 6 months ago and I am enjoying your California reflections immensely!

Thanks! Kathy

Kate said...

Hey Sue,

I think you would really like the Kindle. Every day I get more used to it, and I love having a bunch of books in one place.

I'll also be doing a future blog on following blogs on the Kindle, a surprise for me.

If you buy one, you can always use my Amazon link ;0)

Kate said...

Big Matt,

Gee, if I understood one word of what you just posted I might agree!

But you're probably right.

Kate said...


We're going to take Michael's hose off tomorrow to go get one of our own, so when it's all visible, I'll take pictures and post them to the blog.

Right now, for us, California pretty much sucks.