Friday, November 7, 2008

An Update on This and That

The election is over and I sure hope that the spirit of optimism continues to abound.

I heard Jon Stewart talking and I felt he summed it up pretty well. Paraphrased, he said he was happy to have someone in high office that spoke to him in plain English, who he felt was being direct and honest.

In any case, it's nice that, for a while at least, there seems to be a much needed feeling of hopefulness in most folks I talk with.

OK, off my soapbox and a bit of what we're up to these days.

We've moved to Las Vegas, New Mexico for a while, then we'll head up to Santa Fe for the Holidays.

It's been a while since I had my eyes checked, so I went and got a check up, intending to try ordering eyeglasses off the internet. I've been reading up on this, and it seems reliable and even less expensive than getting eyeglasses down in Mexico. In speaking with the Doctor, I inquired about contact lenses (which I haven't worn for years). She said I was a good candidate, so I'm once again trying contacts. I still intend to order new glasses online and I'll keep you up to date on that progress.

While we were still in Manzano, we went up to Santa Fe for a couple of days to dog sit for some good friends (both the people AND the dogs). While there, I picked up an assortment of newspapers and brochures to use in planning our Holiday Festivities. One thing we discovered was that the Santa Fe Film Festival will be taking place from December 3rd through the 7th. The information mentioned that they needed volunteers, so, guess what? I'm officially volunteering. I'm excited as I LOVE film and as part of the volunteer package, I'll be getting some tickets. What fun! I'll keep you posted.

And while I'm talking about volunteering, earlier this year, we visited Ghost Ranch up in Abiquiu (you can read about our visit here). We were so taken with the scenery that we signed up on their volunteer list. Time went by and we sort of forgot about it, but a few weeks ago, we got a call and they seem to want us to come and stay with them for a while. We've spoken with them and will be meeting with them while we're in Santa Fe, so it looks like we may be busy!

It's been quite cold here, but it's so lovely (I do miss the open sky when we're at Manzano) so, for me, the trade off is worth it.

I'll try to keep up with the blog, but may not be posting for a while, depending on how much work I have to do for the film festival.

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